Linked Dipole The Balun

Our Linked Dipole will have a 1:1 Balun.

I have bought the Toroid and the 13m Coax cable with the attatched connector from SOTABEAMS.

I have used the following Parts:

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On the SOTABEAMS site where you can buy the Toroid there is a really nice “Manual” where it shows how to wind the 1:1 Balun.

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In our case when we will make a Balun for HF we have to make 7 turns on one Site and then 6 turns on the oposite side as shown on the Picture.

Always remember when you wind a Balun or a Transformer a “Turn” is then the cable goes throu the Toroid.


I measured about 50cm from the Coax cable and put it throu the toroid. I fixed the first turn with a small ziptie.

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Then you can wind the Balun as shown on the Picture from SOTABEAMS but with the 7 + 6 Turns.

When you are finished winding the coax you can put the a second ziptie on the outcoming Coax Cable.

Now mount the Balun on the 3D-Printed Centerpiece with 2 Zipties and use another 3 Zipties as a strainrelief for the remaining Coaxcable that goes to the Radio.

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That is the first Part on our way to the Linked Dipole.


Best Wishes


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